Today we had our neighborhood Easter Party - the kiddos learned about Jesus' death and resurrection, did a cross craft, ate cross cookies, and went on an Easter egg hunt! So grateful we had the privilege to reach out in this special way! :)
Here's a list of 8 simple, daily activities you can do with your children to walk them through the days leading up to Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. Each day there is a Scripture reading explaining what Jesus experienced on that specific day, and then there is a related activity to help the kiddos connect with that day's events. These activities are a beautiful way to help prepare children's hearts for Easter Sunday! Palm Sunday – Triumphal Entry
Today we will make Palm Branches and have a "Hosanna" song themed dance party. Read Zechariah 9:9 and Matthew 21:1-11
Monday – Cleansing of the Temple Today we will watch the "Greatest Bible Adventures - Easter Story" movie. Read Luke 19:41-44
Tuesday – Teaching in the Temple Today we will make Easter cookies and invite our neighbors to our church's Easter service to practice loving our neighbors as ourselves. Read Matthew 21:23-32; 22:34-40
Wednesday – Jesus Anointed at Bethany & Plot Against Jesus Today we will receive a bouquet of fresh spring flowers to remember the sweet smelling perfume of Mary who prepared Jesus’ body for burial. Read John 12:1-8
Thursday – Last Supper Tonight we will celebrate the Passover Meal and introduction of the Lord’s Supper. First, Dad and Mom will wash the children's feet. Second, we will eat a Passover “like” Meal of roast lamb, unleavened bread, and bitter herbs, and as we eat each item we will talk about what the meal meant for the Israelites. We will then eat bread and drink grape juice, and as we eat each item we will talk about how Jesus transformed the symbolic Passover Meal into the symbolic Lord’s Supper. Read John 13:1-17
Good Friday - Crucifixion Tonight we will attend the Good Friday service at church. Read Matthew 27:11-61
Saturday - Tomb Today we will have a neighborhood Easter party to share the good news with our friends. Read Matthew 27:62-66
Easter Sunday - Resurrection Today we will make Resurrection Rolls for breakfast, receive Easter baskets, attend church, and go on an Easter egg hunt! Read Matthew 18:1-20
Hosanna dance party turned into a palm branch sword with boys. Yesterday our family had so much fun dyeing Easter eggs! We love our Vruggink holiday traditions! This week we took the kiddos to Canada to see Niagara Falls! Niagara Falls is actually two falls - the Horseshoe Falls has 90% of the water flow and the American falls has the other 10%. So fun and beautiful! Horseshoe Falls - 90% of the water flow. American Falls - 10% of the water flow.
Most mornings our family takes 20 minutes to watch our Thai language DVDs and practice our numbers/letters on a phone app as we're beginning to work on learning to speak and read Thai. The kiddos love the DVDs designed for children and are picking up on the language faster than their parents! We then usually take 10 minutes to learn about a fun thing to do in Chiang Mai. We want our little ones to be excited about our upcoming move and the city they'll soon be living in. Please be praying for us all to make progress in learning Thai, and for our children's hearts to be prepared to move to Thailand.