Do you ever wonder what other people's daily schedules/routines are like? A good friend of mine is trying to plan her days a bit more and she asked me to share my family's daily routine with her. Since I actually had to write it out, I thought I would share it in case you're curious too. :)
7am-8am Nurse Isaac, breakfast, playtime 8am-9am Cleanup breakfast, Greg & Kids dress, I pack lunches 9am-10am Greg takes Christian to school and then goes to work, Isaac takes a nap, Abbie plays quietly (I usually let her watch a movie), I shower/get dressed. 10am-11:30am Play with Abbie & Isaac (often we go out to the library, park, dance class, play dates, etc.) 11:30am-12:30pm Nurse Isaac, lunch, playtime 12:30pm-1:00pm Get Abbie ready for pre-school and take her to pre-school 1:00pm-3:00pm Isaac takes a nap and I prepare dinner as much as possible (cut vegetables, marinate chicken, etc.), cleanup the house, do laundry, have personal devotions, check email/blogs, etc. 2:45pm-4:00pm Nurse Isaac, pick up Christian from school, pick up Abbie from pre-school 4:00pm-4:30pm Kids play together 4:30pm-5:30pm Homework and Greg arrives home at 5pm 5:30pm-6:00pm I prepare dinner while Greg plays with the kids 6:00pm-7:00pm Nurse Isaac, dinner, playtime 7:00pm-8:00pm Kids have baths and put on pajamas, family devotions, kids go to bed 8:00pm-10:00pm Spend time with Greg (we talk, play games, watch movies, etc.) 10:00pm-11:00pm Get ready for bed, couple devotions, read books in bed, nurse Isaac 11:00pm-7:00am Sleep Things to Note: Abbie gets 1 hour of screen time each day. Christian gets 1 hour of screen time Friday-Sunday and no screen time Monday-Thursday. We have family devotions and couple devotions each evening. Greg and I each have personal devotions during the day at some point. The kids usually get 13 hours of sleep each night (sometimes 12 if they won't go to sleep or get up early) and Greg and I usually get 8 hours of sleep each nigh. Sleep is important or we all fall apart. Our daily routine is constantly changing. As Isaac grows his nursing and sleeping needs change. We make plans that throw this for a loop, and Saturday-Sunday our routine looks totally different. We've NEVER had a day that follows this routine perfectly. It's a very very very flexible schedule. Nothing ever flows perfectly, but it helps us to at least have a rough idea of what the day should look like. When we have a goal to shoot for then we usually come close to hitting the mark. Yesterday Isaac learned to situp for a few minutes at a time on his own. Nobody can make Isaac giggle as much as his Daddy. :) |