Today we will make Palm Branches and have a "Hosanna" song themed dance party.
Read Zechariah 9:9 and Matthew 21:1-11
- Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey and the people shouted “Hosanna.”
Monday – Cleansing of the Temple
Today we will watch the "Greatest Bible Adventures - Easter Story" movie.
Read Luke 19:41-44
- Jesus wept for Jerusalem.
- Jesus drove the money changers out of the Court of the Gentiles to reestablish it as a house of prayer for all people.
- Jesus healed the lame and blind.
- Jesus was pleased the children were praising Him.
Tuesday – Teaching in the Temple
Today we will make Easter cookies and invite our neighbors to our church's Easter service to practice loving our neighbors as ourselves.
Read Matthew 21:23-32; 22:34-40
- Jesus preached in the temple.
- The Jewish leaders questioned Jesus.
- Jesus taught the greatest commandment.
Wednesday – Jesus Anointed at Bethany & Plot Against Jesus
Today we will receive a bouquet of fresh spring flowers to remember the sweet smelling perfume of Mary who prepared Jesus’ body for burial.
Read John 12:1-8
- Mary anointed Jesus’ head with perfume.
- Judas plotted to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
Thursday – Last Supper
Tonight we will celebrate the Passover Meal and introduction of the Lord’s Supper. First, Dad and Mom will wash the children's feet. Second, we will eat a Passover “like” Meal of roast lamb, unleavened bread, and bitter herbs, and as we eat each item we will talk about what the meal meant for the Israelites. We will then eat bread and drink grape juice, and as we eat each item we will talk about how Jesus transformed the symbolic Passover Meal into the symbolic Lord’s Supper.
Read John 13:1-17
- Jesus washed the disciples’ feet.
- Jesus ate the Passover Meal and instituted the Lord’s Supper.
- Jesus prayed in Gethsemane.
- Jesus was arrested and put on trial.
- Peter denied Jesus three times while the Sanhedrin gather.
Good Friday - Crucifixion
Tonight we will attend the Good Friday service at church.
Read Matthew 27:11-61
- Jesus was tried by Pilot.
- The soldiers mocked Jesus.
- Jesus was crucified.
- Jesus was buried by sundown.
Saturday - Tomb
Today we will have a neighborhood Easter party to share the good news with our friends.
Read Matthew 27:62-66
- Pilot sealed the tomb stone and had guards placed at the tomb.
Easter Sunday - Resurrection
Today we will make Resurrection Rolls for breakfast, receive Easter baskets, attend church, and go on an Easter egg hunt!
Read Matthew 18:1-20
- Jesus rose from the dead!