Our next ultrasound is November 5 (in 8 weeks) and that's when we find out (hopefully - if baby cooperates!) if we're having a boy or girl. Christian wants a boy and Abbie wants a girl. Any guesses?!? :)
We had our 12 week ultrasound today and everything looks great! The baby's heartbeat was strong, and baby was wiggling all around and moving his/her hands up to his/her face. So exciting to see! :)
Our next ultrasound is November 5 (in 8 weeks) and that's when we find out (hopefully - if baby cooperates!) if we're having a boy or girl. Christian wants a boy and Abbie wants a girl. Any guesses?!? :) Christian started kindergarten last week! He was excited (and a little nervous) his first day, but he did fabulous (no tears, very brave)! Here he is with his backpack, lunch box, and Woods (the teacher asked the students to bring their favorite stuffed animal with them on the first day of school - smart teacher :). Mommy was brave...until we got home...the house was so ridiculously quiet without my little talker, so that's when my tears started to flow. I'm still not used to the silence in the house because Abbie is my quiet little girl. The house seems so empty without Christian's little voice filling it up. Abbie was content the first day without Christian, but on day two she asked if it was time to get Christian about every 1/2 hour. It's going to take some time for both of us to adjust to Christian being gone all day. Backpack On - Ready to Go! We walk the short 15 minutes to school each day. Thankfully Christian's best friend, James, who lives just down the street from us, is in Christian's class too! We all walk to and from school together each day. It's such a blessing that the boys have each other! The boys held hands and bravely walked into school together. I know I'm going to look at this picture when they are in high school and just burst into tears! Christian goes to kindergarten full day - 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM, so I was a little anxious to see how he was after day one - the picture says it all - big smile!
We have a wonderful surprise to announce - baby V #3 is due on March 23! We are all sooo excited about this unexpected little blessing! :)