Mommy loves me this I know
For she always tells me so
Hugs and kisses she gives me
When I fall and scrape my knee
Yes, Mommy loves me
Yes, Mommy loves me
Yes, Mommy loves me
She always tells me so
Jesus Loves Me
Jesus loves me this I know
For the Bible tells me so
Little ones to Him belong
They are week but He is strong
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
The Bible tells me so
The below video contains our Mother's Day Performance bloopers!
Blooper #1: Greg led worship this morning and was on stage moving music stands when Christian spotted him, shouted "Daddy!" and ran on stage to give him a hug - too cute!
Blooper #2: Since I was front and center videotaping the performance, I assigned a teen sitting in the second row to look after Abbie. As soon as Abbie spotted Greg and Christian on stage she squealed "Daddy!" and ran up after them faster than she could be cached! Abbie was mistaken for one of the children singing and was lined up with the other kids. I had to have Greg run back on stage to retrieve her! Haha - I love the memories! :)