The second blog is - Rachel's Reflections - where I share what I'm learning through studying God's Word, teaching lessons to youth and women, and reading Christian books. There are three separate RSS Feeds available for Devotions, Lessons, and Book Reviews, so you can decide which ones you would like to follow. Devotions is updated updated regularly, and Lessons and Book Reviews are updated occasionally.
This year Greg, our youth, our church, and I are reading through the New Testament in a Year (check out the NT in a Year details to the right), and I've been learning so much and posting some good thoughts on the Rachel's Reflections Devotions Page. Occasionally I've posted these ideas on this blog, but I'm going to stop doing that since I made separate blogs for a reason and it's redundant to repost the devotion thoughts here too. So I would be honored if you would check out my recent posts and follow my Rachel's Reflections Devotions Page. Below are a few recent posts to give you a sampling:
"How can you move to China and then New York - so far away from your family?"
"Am I still in a wheelchair because I lack faith?"
"Needs vs. Wants"