Bible Story: Red – Jesus' Death and Resurrection
The Big Picture Story Bible - Pages 359-395
Visual Aid: Cleaning Hearts – The children wrote sins on red foam hearts and we washed them clean using soapy water and rags.
Foam Hearts (download file below, print, cut, and trace onto red foam)
Washable markers
Bucket of soapy water and rags

Heart - For Foam |
The Rizers have a fun, rocking song version of John 3:16 that makes memorizing it a snap!
Paper plates (cut a hole in the middle and punch four holes in the sides)
Red markers
White string
Photo Printer
1) Take a picture of each child and print it.
2) Color four strips on the life preserver and write Jesus Saves (preferably in red)
3) String the white thread through the four holes leaving a long string for tossing
4) Tape the child’s picture in the center of the life preserver (cut as needed)
Red Blanket
Click this link to see an overview of our Backyard Bible Club Week.