During the sonogram I noticed "a little something" and asked the ultasound technician if we are having a boy. She looked surprised that I could read the sonogram, but then smiled and confirmed that we are indeed having a little boy! Technically we weren't supposed to have the gender determination sonogram until our 20 week appointment in a little over 4 weeks, so it was a wonderful surprise to find out the gender of our little boy yesterday!
When we told Abbie we were having a boy she started crying (she wanted a girl), but within a few hours she was totally thrilled at the idea of having a baby brother. When we told Christian he started jumping up and down squealing with excitement (he wanted a boy), so we're all super thrilled to have another little man joining our family in March! :)
The specialist still wants me to "take it easy", and I need to go in every 1-2 weeks for sonograms to make sure our little guy is OK and the blood pool isn't moving behind the placenta. Our next sonogram will be this Monday, October 8.
Please join us in praying that 1) the blood pool with not move behind the placenta, 2) the blood pool will completely come out soon, and 3) the bleeding with completely stop.
Thank you for your love and prayers, friends!