Today at our sonogram we saw our little man and as expected he's still head down and face down - just perfect for delivery! He is now a whopping 7 lbs! He should gain 1/2 lb each week until his due date, so we could easily have an 8 lb baby boy if he goes full term which would make him our biggest baby.
Christian was TEN DAYS over his due date and was born weighing only 7 lbs 1 oz. Abbie arrived the day before her due date and was our tiniest baby. She was born weighing only 6 lbs 11 oz. So Baby V #3 is most likely going to be our biggest baby by far!
At our OB/GYN appointment today, the doctor informed me that I'm 2 cm dilated and still 50% effaced, so not much progress this week. Baby V #3 seems content to stay tucked inside until closer to his due date which is fine with me as long as he doesn't get too big to push out! :)
Thank you for your continued love and prayers for us and our littlest man!