I had an ultrasound which showed that our little man is currently 6 lbs. 5 oz., so he's on track to be a little over 7 lbs. when he's born - absolutely perfect! :) He's also head down and facing my back - the perfect position for a natural delivery.
I then spent 15-20 minutes hooked up to a fetal monitor which records the baby's movement, heartbeat, and contractions. He was moving and kicking a lot with a strong heartbeat and no contractions - exactly what we wanted to see.
The OBGYN then checked me and thankfully I'm not dialated at all yet, so Baby V #3 seems very content to stay inside a few more weeks which we want.
After our time with the OBGYN, I had another ultrasound done on my legs because my feet became really swollen this week. Thankfully my veins looked good, so the edema is just "normal" water retention due to being pregnant.
So a very busy morning with all wonderful results! We have a healthy, active baby boy who is content to stay inside mommy a few more weeks! :)