Today I made this journal for Mommy to record the journey God took us on to bring you both into our family. In this journal I'm going to record every milestone, financial miracle, happy day, sad day, and phone call that led to you becoming our little Vrugginks. Just like I carried Christian and Abbie inside of me for months before they were born, in the same way I am carrying you in my heart during the months leading up to your adoption. Just like my love grew for Christian and Abbie while they were developing inside of me, in the same way my love for you is growing as I see us completing all the steps in the adoption process that is bringing us closer to you.
God has amazing plans for both of you! God is going to or perhaps already is wonderfully creating your inmost being and knitting you together in your biological mother's womb (Psalm 139:13-14). He has then ordained that your days will be spent with Daddy and I as you grow up (Psalm 139:16). God has orchestrated your life perfectly so that you will have a very specific genetic makeup, and then He's going to let Daddy and I have the awesome privilege of being your parents.
In the Bible whenever God designs someone and then gives them adopted parents – you know something special is in store for that person! In the Bible we read three stories of people who were adopted, and all three individuals brought salvation to their people. Moses was adopted by the Egyptian Princess, and ultimately he was able to save Israel by leading them out of slavery. Esther was adopted by Mordecai, and ultimately she had a role in saving the Jews form annihilation. Jesus was adopted by Joseph, and through Jesus the entire world has the opportunity to be adopted into God's family and have eternal salvation.
Daddy and I have been adopted too. God destined us to be adopted into His family through the blood of Jesus. (Ephesians 1:5) By accepting Jesus as our Savior we have received the Holy Spirit and have been adopted into God's family and we are now God's children. (Romans 8:15-16). Our greatest hope is that someday you and your siblings will be adopted into God's family too.
I'm so excited to be your Mommy soon! Just as Jesus promised to send His Holy Spirit in John 14:18, so I make the same promise that "I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you." My heart is already knitted to yours, and soon you will be permanently knitted into our family. I miss you even though I haven't met you yet, and I'm so looking forward to the day when I will hold you in my arms and shower with you with cuddles, hugs, and kisses. Daddy and I are coming for you and we love you!
Hugs and Kisses,
Your Mommy